Cut [Pixiv] Kameponde (5865022) [Pixiv] カメポンデ (5865022) Cum On Ass

Cut [Pixiv] Kameponde (5865022) [Pixiv] カメポンデ (5865022) Cum On Ass

Davis, we're going to see to it that Quincy is kept very busy indeed!!!” “You can't make me do a damn thing,” the mouthy little bitch snapped, while staring out the window as is she hadn't a care in the world, “and I'd just like to see you try!!!” “I'll have to apologize for my daughter's behavior,” Joan Davis said sadly, “ever since her father passed away it's been getting harder and harder to control her!!!” “There's no need apologizing to me, Mrs. Davis, this is all for the best, and I can assure you that this clit ring will do more to control your daughter than anything else you could come up with!!!”

“But how does it work,” Joan asked in shaky voice!?! “Well,” Harriett replied, “inside the ring is a tiny computer chip that is activated much like the vibrator, but as I'm sure you can acertain, the vibration deep inside of a vagina is much much different than the same sensation directly on your clitoris!!!” Joan Davis thought abut that for a minute or so and then replied, “Yes, I can see that, but how do you discipline these girls by arousing their vaginas when in reality it's probably a pretty nice feeling to have!?!” “Now that is a very good question,” Harriett answered quickly, “but the answer is in this little device right here!!!” “What on earth is that,” Joan asked dumbly, “it sorta looks like a male jock strap, but different!!!” “But different indeed,” Harriett Taggert replied, “it's made out of the same material that is used in bullet proof vests, so it is practically indestructable, and at least capable of resisting any attempt by our girls to remove it once it's locked in place!!!” “But how do they urinate,” Joan asked while taking the device from Harriett and looking it over carefully!?! The vaginal covering has a slit just wide enough to pee through,” Harriet explained, “but once the device is on and locked in place, it is impossible for a girl to sexually relieve herself unless we open it up for her, or if we induce orgasm with our remote controls, either through the vibe in her vagina or the ring through her clit!!!”

After the somewhat long winded explanation, Harriett returned her attention to Quincy's clitoris, and in a couple of seconds, she had successfully threaded it through the little head, and after letting the tiny soldering iron warm up, she put a little drop of gold solder to secure the ring firmly and permanently in place!!! “Good,” Harriett announced, “all done, now all we have to do is put the chastity belt on her and she'll be all set!!!” “Let's see how you look, dear,” Joan Davis said to her daughter after Harriett had clicked the lock shut on the durable belt girding her vagina!!! “It looks awful,” Quincy wailed, “I don't wanna wear this thing,” but her struggles to tug it off were as fruitless as her attempts to escape the examinging table, so finally she quit fighting it and stood there waiting for Harrient Taggert to tell her what to do next!!!

Joan Davis took her daughter in her arms, and after giving her a big kiss on the cheek, she wished her well and quickly left the building and headed back to the city!!! Tears began forming in Quincy's eyes when she realized that she was now truely alone in this awful place, but in the next several seconds she was about to find out exactly how bad it could get, because all at once her clitoris seemed to become electrified as Harriett Taggert activated her clit ring, sending the poor girl reeling across the room while trying desperately to remove the harness protecting her now impenetrable vagianal area!!! “See what we do to bad little girls,” Harriett said softly while turning up the power and inducing a series of the most brutal orgasms Quincy had ever felt!!! “P-please,” she moaned while her cunt was flying into overdrive, “I can't stand it anymore, please, no more, no more.

Hentai: [Pixiv] Kameponde (5865022) [Pixiv] カメポンデ (5865022)

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